pensive wrote:Probably handy for typing ภาษาไทย into an English forum?
Can't the operating system's onscreen keyboards be used for the same purpose?
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Moderator: acloudmovingby
pensive wrote:Probably handy for typing ภาษาไทย into an English forum?
David and Bui wrote:Can't the operating system's onscreen keyboards be used for the same purpose?
Richard Wordingham wrote:There are several reasons for using a virtual keyboard. Not all apply to all virtual keyboards.
- An appropriate keyboard has not been installed, and the user is not authorised to install keyboards. For example, the Windows XP Thai keyboards are not available if complex script support has not been enabled.
- A virtual keyboard may include a visual keyboard. Many of us have to look at the keyboard when typing, and an English keyboard is not much help for typing Thai unless you have memorised the Thai keyboard layout. Keyboards labelled in Thai are not cheap away from Thailand.
- An application's keyboard facility may actually be easier to use than the real keyboard! For example, when using the Emacs editor, if I use the editor's keyboard, I don't have to remember to switch keyboard when I want to use shortcuts or commands - the editor knows I am doing one of these things, and treats my input accordingly. (One can add one's own keyboards to Emacs.)
pensive wrote:I use Windoze 7 and I ain't got no onscreen keyboard. And if I did, I would expect it to be in the same language as the current IME.
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