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เมจิก maehM jikL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เม-จิก |
IPA | meː tɕìk |
Royal Thai General System | mechik |
alternate spelling | แมจิก | maaeM jikL | |
[adjective, loanword, English] | |||
definition | [Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] magic; [see notes] | ||
notes | This loanword is meant to be used with ปากกาเมจิก—a kind of pen that holds quick-drying ink conveyed to a writing surface by means of a felt nib. We Thais call permenent or white board markers ปากกาเมจิก. It is believed that magic pens must have been a novelty when first introduced into Thailand (or Siam in the days of yore). Hence, the idea of it being a 'magic' thing. | ||
example | ปากกาเมจิก | bpaakL gaaM maehM jikL | felt-tip pen; "magic marker" |