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พรึง phreungM |
contents of this page | |
1. | [combining form with ตะลึง and พรั่น ] |
2. | wall panel support; a beam supporting a column in a building |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | พฺรึง |
IPA | pʰrɯŋ |
Royal Thai General System | phrueng |
1.  | |||
definition | [combining form with ตะลึง and พรั่น ] | ||
examples | ตะลึงพรึงเพริด | dtaL leungM phreungM phreertF | [is] surprised; astonished; amazed; astounded; petrified |
พรั่นพรึง | phranF phreungM | to fear | |
พรั่นพรึง | phranF phreungM | [is] afraid; frightened; scared; terrified | |
2.  [noun] | |||
definition | wall panel support; a beam supporting a column in a building | ||