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ฝายชะลอน้ำ faaiR chaH laawM naamH |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ฝาย-ชะ-ลอ-น้าม |
IPA | fǎːj tɕʰáʔ lɔː náːm |
Royal Thai General System | fai chalo nam |
[noun] | |||
definition | wier; check dam; small, man-made dam | ||
classifier | ฝาย | faaiR | [numerical classifier for small dams and wiers] |
components | ฝาย | faaiR | irrigation dam; weir; dike |
ชะลอ | chaH laawM | to slow down; to proceed cautiously; to carry carefully | |
น้ำ | naamH | water; fluid; liquid | |
synonym | ฝายแม้ว | faaiR maaeoH | wier; check dam; small, man-made dam |