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พรประเสริฐ phaawnM bpraL seertL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | พอน-ปฺระ-เสิด |
IPA | pʰɔːn pràʔ sɤ̀ːt |
Royal Thai General System | phon prasoet |
[noun] | |||
definition | blessing to attain goodness | ||
components | พร | phaawnM | blessing; good wishes; benediction; favor |
ประเสริฐ | bpraL seertL | [is] excellent; glorious; sublime; superb; outstanding | |
sample sentence | พรประเสริฐทั้งหลายประสิทธิ์ผล phaawnM bpraL seertL thangH laaiR bpraL sitL phohnR "...[and] may you be blessed with all the good things you deserve" | ||