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รัดเข็มขัดนิรภัย ratH khemR khatL niH raH phaiM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | รัด-เข็ม-ขัด-นิ-ระ-พัย |
IPA | rát kʰěm kʰàt níʔ rá pʰaj |
Royal Thai General System | rat khem khat nira phai |
[verb] | |||
definition | buckle up; put on safety belt | ||
components | รัด | ratH | to bind up; to strap together or squeeze into a bundle; to squash |
เข็มขัด | khemR khatL | belt | |
นิร | niH raH | without; not; un-; anti- | |
ภัย | phaiM | harm, danger, catastrophe, fear, dread, peril, threat | |