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ได้คืบจะเอาศอก ได้ศอกจะเอาวา daiF kheuupF jaL aoM saawkL daiF saawkL jaL aoM waaM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ได้-คืบ-จะ-เอา-สอก-ได้-สอก-จะ-เอา-วา |
IPA | dâj kʰɯ̂ːp tɕàʔ ʔaw sɔ̀ːk dâj sɔ̀ːk tɕàʔ ʔaw waː |
Royal Thai General System | dai khuep cha ao sok dai sok cha ao wa |
[example sentence, idiom] | |||
definition | "Give him an inch, and he’ll take a yard." | ||
categories | |||
components | ได้ | daiF | to receive; to obtain; acquire; get; have got |
ฝ่าคืบ | faaL kheuupF | [a unit of linear measure] a palm span | |
จะเอา | jaL aoM | will want, will take or have | |
ศอก | saawkL | [a unit of linear measure] | |
ได้ | daiF | to receive; to obtain; acquire; get; have got | |
ศอก | saawkL | [a unit of linear measure] | |
จะเอา | jaL aoM | will want, will take or have | |
วา | waaM | [a unit of linear measure] | |