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กองควบคุมวัตถุเสพติด gaawngM khuaapF khoomM watH thooL saehpL dtitL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | กอง-ควบ-คุม-วัด-ถุ-เสบ-ติด |
IPA | kɔːŋ kʰûːap kʰum wát tʰùʔ sèːp tìt |
Royal Thai General System | kong khuapkhum watthu sep tit |
[proper noun] | |||
definition | Narcotics Control Division | ||
categories | |||
components | กอง | gaawngM | troop; force; band; company; brigade; division |
ควบคุม | khuaapF khoomM | to control; supervise; command; govern | |
วัตถุ | watH thooL | matter; stuff; material(s); object; thing | |
เสพติด | saehpL dtitL | [is] addictive if consumed | |