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งบ ngohpH |
contents of this page | |
1. | to assemble; collect; close |
2. | account; lump; round; cake; lot |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||||||||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | งบ |
IPA | ŋóp |
Royal Thai General System | ngop |
1.  [verb] | |||
definition | to assemble; collect; close | ||
example | งบประมาณแผ่นดิน | ngohpH bpraL maanM phaenL dinM | annual government statement of expenditures; budget |
2.  [noun] | |||
definition | account; lump; round; cake; lot | ||
categories | |||
examples | บัญชีงบดุล | banM cheeM ngohpH doonM | balance sheet |
งบประมาณ | ngohpH bpraL maanM | budget | |
งบดุล | ngohpH doonM | [finance] balance; balance sheet; statement | |
งบกำไร-ขาดทุน | ngohpH gamM raiM khaatL thoonM | balance statement | |
งบกำไรสะสม | ngohpH gamM raiM saL sohmR | retained earnings | |
งบเงิน | ngohpH ngernM | financial statement | |