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ช่างหล่อ changF laawL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ชั่ง-หฺล่อ |
IPA | tɕʰâŋ lɔ̀ː |
Royal Thai General System | chang lo |
[noun, phrase, colloquial] | |||
definition | sculptor | ||
categories | |||
components | ช่าง | changF | engineer; artisan; mechanic; craftsman; specialist; repairman; barber |
หล่อ | laawL | to cast in metal (as is done at a foundry) | |
related words | ช่างแกะสลัก | changF gaeL saL lakL | sculptor; carver |
ช่างปั้น | changF bpanF | sculptor | |
ปฏิมากร | bpaL dtiL maaM gaawnM | sculptor; sculpture; statue; comparative form; counterpart; picture; figure; representation; image | |
ปฏิมากรรม | bpaL dtiL maaM gamM | sculpture | |
ประติมากรรม | bpraL dtiL maaM gamM | sculpture; a variation of ปฏิมากรรม | |