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โน้มน้าวใจ no:hmH naaoH jaiM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | โน้ม-น้าว-ไจ |
IPA | nóːm náːw tɕaj |
Royal Thai General System | nom nao chai |
[verb] | |||
definition | to persuade; convince; induce; prevail upon | ||
components | โน้มน้าว | no:hmH naaoH | to cajole; prevail upon; wheedle; convince |
ใจ | jaiM | heart; spirit; spiritual center or core; soul; inner being; mind | |
synonyms | จูงจมูก | juungM jaL muukL | to lead someone by the nose; control; influence |
จูงใจ | juungM jaiM | to persuade; induce; convince; influence; motivate | |
ชักชวน | chakH chuaanM | to influence, persuade, invite | |
ชักนำ | chakH namM | to lead; induce; guide; persuade; draw | |
โน้มน้าว | no:hmH naaoH | to cajole; prevail upon; wheedle; convince | |
ปลุกใจ | bplookL jaiM | to encourage; arouse; stir up one's spirit; embolden | |