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ก้าวไกล gaaoF glaiM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ก้าว-ไกฺล |
IPA | kâːw klaj |
Royal Thai General System | kao klai |
1.  [verb] | |||
definition | to advance; progress | ||
components | ก้าว | gaaoF | to take a step |
ไกล | glaiM | [is] far; distant; far (in the future) | |
synonyms | แซง | saaengM | to overtake; to pass (in a vehicle) |
พัฒนา | phatH thaH naaM | to develop | |
ล้ำหน้า | lamH naaF | to get ahead of; outstrip; overtake; catch up with and surpass | |
วัฒนะ | watH naH | [variant of พัฒนา ] to develop; progress | |
example | |||
2.  [adjective] | |||
definition | [is] advanced | ||
components | ก้าว | gaaoF | to take a step |
ไกล | glaiM | [is] far; distant; far (in the future) | |
example | เทคโนโลยี่ก้าวไกล | thaehkF no:hM lo:hM yeeF gaaoF glaiM | advanced technology |