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ปลูกเรือนพอตัวหวีหัวพอเกล้า bpluukL reuuanM phaawM dtuaaM weeR huaaR phaawM glaoF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ปฺลูก-เรือน-พอ-ตัว-หฺวี-หัว-พอ-เกฺล้า |
IPA | plùːk rɯːan pʰɔː tuːa wǐː hǔːa pʰɔː klâw |
Royal Thai General System | pluk ruean pho tua wi hua pho klao |
[example sentence, idiom] | |||
definition | "Cut your coat according to your cloth." | ||
categories | |||
components | ปลูก | bpluukL | to cultivate; to plant; build; to grow a plant |
เรือน | reuuanM | household; dwelling; abode; [typically a] wooden house | |
พอ | phaawM | [is] sufficient; [does] suffice; [is] adequate; enough | |
ตัว | dtuaaM | [of a person] self; himself; herself; yourself; themselves; [things] itself | |
หวี | weeR | to comb; to brush; to draw a comb through | |
หัว | huaaR | head; brain; bulb; tuber | |
พอ | phaawM | [is] sufficient; [does] suffice; [is] adequate; enough | |
เกล้า | glaoF | head; mind | |