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ปีติกินข้าวเสร็จไป bpeeM dtiL ginM khaaoF setL bpaiM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ปี-ติ-กิน-ค่าว-เส็ด-ไป |
IPA | piː tìʔ kin kʰâːw sèt paj |
Royal Thai General System | piti kin khao set pai |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "Piti finished eating." | ||
categories | |||
components | ปีติ | bpeeM dtiL | Piti [a Thai female given name] (delighted, joyful) |
กินข้าว | ginM khaaoF | to eat food; eat dinner; have a meal | |
เสร็จ | setL | [aspect marker meaning "finished" or "completed"] | |
ไป | bpaiM | [aspect marker indicating time duration (continuity into the future)] for; since; forward | |