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baaeM meuuM
Royal Institute - 1982
แบมือ  /แบ-มือ/
[กริยา] หงายมือเหยียดนิ้วทั้ง ๕ ออก.
[กริยา] ไม่เอาธุระ.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiแบ-มือ
IPAbɛː mɯː
Royal Thai General Systembae mue

to open the palm of one's had; spread one's fingers out

componentsแบ baaeMto display for all to see; to lay bare; to spread out
มือ  meuuMhand; hands
dekL khaangF thaL nohnR theuuR wiH saaR saL laangH thuuR rohtH laaeoH baaeM meuuM khaawR dtangM haaF baatL
"The kid stood at the side of the road and brazenly washed and wiped our car; he then opened his palm asking for five baht as his fee."

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