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gaawL geertL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiก่อ-เกิด
IPAkɔ̀ː kɤ̀ːt
Royal Thai General Systemko koet

to initiate; originate

componentsก่อ gaawL[formal form of ทำ  (to do; cause; make)] to start; instigate; commence; originate; to cause; to bring about
เกิด geertLto be born; to birth; to happen
synonymsก่อกำเนิดgaawL gamM neertLto initiate; originate; give birth to
ก่อให้เกิดgaawL haiF geertLto cause; to bring about; to produce; create; effect; generate; give rise to; make happen
laeH gaawL geertL khwaamM johngM rakH phakH deeM theeF phaH sohkL niH gaawnM thookH muuL laoL
"And, he inspires loyalty in all his subjects who..."

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