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มวล  muaanM 
contents of this page
1.all; total; whole; entire

Royal Institute - 1982
มวล  /มวน/
[วิเศษณ์] ทั้งหมด, ทั้งสิ้น, ทั้งปวง.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiมวน
Royal Thai General Systemmuan

1.   [adjective]
all; total; whole; entire

examplesมวลชนmuaanM chohnMthe masses, the multitude of people
muunM khaaF phaL litL dtaL phanM muaanM ruaamM naiM bpraL thaehtF
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
phaL litL dtaL phanM muaanM ruaamM khaawngR chaatF
Gross National Product - GNP
phaL litL dtaL phanM muaanM ruaamM phaaiM naiM bpraL thaehtF
Gross Domestic Product
จุดศูนย์กลางมวลjootL suunR glaangM muaanMcenter of gravity
2.   [noun, formal, loanword, Pali]

examplesมวลรวมmuaanM ruaamMtotal mass
มวลมนุษย์muaanM maH nootHcommon people; masses; humankind
ชีวมวลcheeM waH muaanMbiomass
การผลิตเชิงมวลgaanM phaL litL cheerngM muaanMmass production
อิฐมวลเบาitL muaanM baoMfoamed concrete block

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