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ยุทธ์ yootH |
contents of this page | |
1. | battle; warfare |
2. | Yut; Yuth [Thai male given name] (war) |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ยุด |
IPA | jút |
Royal Thai General System | yut |
1.  [noun, formal, loanword, Pali] | |||
definition | battle; warfare | ||
examples | กลยุทธ์ | gohnM laH yootH | stratagem; maneuver |
สงครามจรยุทธ์ | sohngR khraamM jaawnM yootH | guerrilla warfare | |
ประลองยุทธ์ | bpraL laawngM yootH | to maneuver; engage in combat | |
วิทยายุทธ์ | witH thaH yaaM yootH | martial arts; fighting skills | |
จรยุทธ์ | jaawM raH yootH | hit and run strategy | |
จอมยุทธ์ | jaawmM yootH | military leader | |
2.  [proper noun, person, formal, loanword, Pali] | |||
definition | Yut; Yuth [Thai male given name] (war) | ||
categories | |||
sample sentence | |||