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ดังที่  dangM theeF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiดัง-ที่
IPAdaŋ tʰîː
Royal Thai General Systemdangthi

as; according to; as if

synonymตามที่dtaamM theeFaccording (to); as may be; such as; as
saL thaanR theeF theeF dtemM bpaiM duayF raanH khaaH dangM theeF glaaoL maaM saL lapL gapL thaangM deernM theeF khaawnF khaangF jaL khapH khaaepF theeF atL naaenF bpaiM duayF phuuF khohnM laakL sanR chaatF
"[This is] a place which is full of stores, like those which we discussed, separated by narrow walking paths, jam-packed with people of all nationalities."

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