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ก้าวล้ำ gaaoF lamH |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ก้าว-ล้ำ |
IPA | kâːw lám |
Royal Thai General System | kao lam |
[verb] | |||
definition | to trespass; interfere; preceed | ||
components | ก้าว | gaaoF | to take a step |
ล้ำ | lamH | to transgress; to infringe; to overstep; to go beyond; to encroach upon | |
synonyms | กล้ำกราย | glamF graaiM | to intrude; come near |
ก้าวก่าย | gaaoF gaaiL | to interfere; intervene; overlap; meddle; tamper | |
เข้ามา | khaoF maaM | to come in; enter in; approach; attend (an event); come together | |
ยื่นหน้า | yeuunF naaF | to interfere; meddle | |
ล่วงล้ำ | luaangF lamH | to infringe; to overstep; transgress; to contravene; encroach | |
ล้ำ | lamH | to transgress; to infringe; to overstep; to go beyond; to encroach upon | |
แหลม | laaemR | to interfere, meddle | |