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thanF khuaanM dtruaatL chekH lohmM yaangM rohtH yohnM yaangL yaangL saL mamL saL muuhrR bpraL maanM aaM thitH laH khrangH
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiทั่น-ควน-ตฺรวด-เช็ก-ลม-ยาง-รด-ยน-หฺย่าง-หฺย่าง-สะ-หฺม่ำ-สะ-เหฺมอ-ปฺระ-มาน-อา-ทิด-ละ-คฺรั้ง
IPAtʰân kʰuːan trùːat tɕʰék lom jaːŋ rót jon jàːŋ jàːŋ sà màm sà mɤ̌ː pràʔ maːn ʔaː tʰít láʔ kʰráŋ
Royal Thai General Systemthan khuan truat chek lom yang rot yon yang yang samamsamoe praman athit la khrang

 [example sentence]
You should check the air in your automobile tires about once a week on a regular basis...

componentsท่านthanF[a respectful 2nd or 3rd person singular pronoun] you; he; she; him; her; they; them
ควร khuaanM[auxiliary verb indicating] should; ought to; must
ตรวจ dtruaatLto check; test; examination; inspection
เช็ค chekH[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] check; a financial check (draft) or the bill at a restaurant
ลม lohmMair; wind; storm; breeze
ยางรถยนต์yaangM rohtH yohnMtire
อย่าง yaangLvariety; style; pattern; type; kind; sort; mode; manner; method
อย่างสม่ำเสมอyaangL saL mamL saL muuhrRregularly; on a regular basis
ประมาณ bpraL maanMapproximately; about; roughly
อาทิตย์ละครั้งaaM thitH laH khrangHonce a week

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