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เสพติด saehpL dtitL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เสบ-ติด |
IPA | sèːp tìt |
Royal Thai General System | sep tit |
1.  [adjective] | |||
definition | [is] addictive if consumed | ||
components | เสพ | saehpL | to consume; to eat; to drink; to have carnal enjoyment; to have sexual intercourse; to indulge in; to partake; indulgent act or behavior of eating; drinking; drug-usage; sexual activity |
ติด | dtitL | [is] addicted to; [has] formed a habit | |
examples | ผู้เสพติด | phuuF saehpL dtitL | drug addict |
ยาเสพติด | yaaM saehpL dtitL | drugs; narcotic drugs; addictive drugs | |
ยาเสพติด | yaaM saehpL dtitL | addictive drugs; narcotics | |
ผู้ติดยาเสพติด | phuuF dtitL yaaM saehpL dtitL | narcotic drug addict | |
สารเสพติด | saanR saehpL dtitL | addictive substance | |
สิ่งเสพติด | singL saehpL dtitL | narcotics; drugs; opiates; addictive substances | |
ติดยาเสพติด | dtitL yaaM saehpL dtitL | to become addicted to drugs | |
sample sentence | |||
2.  [adjective] | |||
definition | [is] addictive | ||
components | เสพ | saehpL | indulgent act or behavior of eating, drinking, drug-usage, sexual activity, etc. |
ติด | dtitL | [is] addicted to; [has] formed a habit | |
example | ยาเสพติด | yaaM saehpL dtitL | addictive drugs; narcotics |