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khaoR boomL baamL khaoF bpaiM naiM haawngF ratH thaL mohnM dtreeM yaangL maiF fangM siiangR khraiM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเขา-บุ่ม-บ่าม-เค่า-ไป-ไน-ฮ่อง-รัด-ถะ-มน-ตฺรี-หฺย่าง-ไม่-ฟัง-เสียง-ไคฺร
IPAkʰǎw bùm bàːm kʰâw paj naj hɔ̂ːŋ rát tʰà mon triː jàːŋ mâj faŋ sǐːaŋ kʰraj
Royal Thai General Systemkhao bumbam khao pai nai hong rattha montri yang mai fang siang khrai

 [example sentence]
"He barged into the Minister’s office, heeding no one."

componentsเขา khaoR[3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them
บุ่มบ่ามboomL baamLrashly; imprudently; bunglingly; rudely; precipitously
เข้าไปkhaoF bpaiMto enter; go in; attend an event
ใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
ห้อง haawngFroom of a building; apartment; chamber
รัฐมนตรีratH thaL mohnM dtreeMMinister or Secretary (in a government cabinet)
อย่าง yaangLvariety; style; pattern; type; kind; sort; mode; manner; method
ไม่ maiFnot; no
ฟัง fangMto listen; listen to
เสียง siiangRtone; sound; volume; noise
ใคร khraiManyone; anybody; someone; somebody; whoever

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