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langR khaaM deermM khuaanM reuuH aawkL dtangF dtaaeL bpeeM maH wo:hH laaeoH phrawH gaoL maakF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiหฺลัง-คา-เดิม-ควน-รื้อ-ออก-ตั้ง-แต่-ปี-มะ-โว้-แล้ว-เพฺราะ-เก่า-มาก
IPAlǎŋ kʰaː dɤːm kʰuːan rɯ́ː ʔɔ̀ːk tâŋ tɛ̀ː piː máʔ wóː lɛ́ːw pʰrɔ́ʔ kàw mâːk
Royal Thai General Systemlang kha doem khuan rue ok tang tae pimawo laeo phro kao mak

 [example sentence]
"[We] should have torn down the original roof a long time ago because it is so old."

componentsหลังคาlangR khaaMroof
เดิม deermM[is] original; initial; first
ควร khuaanM[auxiliary verb indicating] should; ought to; must
รื้อ reuuHto demolish; raze; dismantle; take down
ออก aawkL[resultative grammatical marker; directional auxiliary meaning "away" or "out"]
ตั้งแต่dtangF dtaaeLsince; from [indicating a span of time or distance or a range of items or varieties] from (...'a' to 'z')
ปีมะโว้bpeeM maH wo:hHfor a long time
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the end of a clause indicating current position, fulfilment of a condition, emphasis, or confirmation] already; any more
เพราะ phrawHbecause; because of; due to; owing to
เก่า gaoL[of an object] [is] old; antique; decrepit
มาก maakFmuch; many; very; more; so much; a great deal; seriously

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