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นูน nuunM |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | นูน |
IPA | nuːn |
Royal Thai General System | nun |
[adjective] | |||
definition | [is] convex; bulging out; curving out; swollen | ||
synonyms | โน | no:hM | to swell out; to bulge; to protrude |
ปุ่มป่ำ | bpoomL bpamL | [is] covered with bumps or swellings | |
ปูด | bpuutL | to swell; to bulge | |
โป่ง | bpo:hngL | [as a balloon] to swell or inflate | |
พอง | phaawngM | [is] inflated; filled up | |
antonym | เว้า | waoH | [is] concave; caved-in; indented |
examples | แว่นนูน | waaenF nuunM | convex lens |
กระจกนูน | graL johkL nuunM | convex mirror | |
แมลงกินนูน | maH laaengM ginM nuunM | a leaf eating insect; leaf chafer | |
หนั่นเนื้อเนินนูน | nanL neuuaH neernM nuunM | ampleness; curves; chubbiness; love-handles | |
sample sentence | |||