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คุณไม่สนใจหล่อนรึไง ถึงขนาดไม่ค่อยไปคบเลย
khoonM maiF sohnR jaiM laawnL reuH ngaiM theungR khaL naatL maiF khaawyF bpaiM khohpH leeuyM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiคุน-ไม่-สน-ไจ-หฺล่อน-รึ-ไง-ถึง-ขะ-หฺนาด-ไม่-ค่อย-ไป-คบ-เลย
IPAkʰun mâj sǒn tɕaj lɔ̀ːn rɯ́ʔ ŋaj tʰɯ̌ŋ kʰà nàːt mâj kʰɔ̂ːj paj kʰóp lɤːj
Royal Thai General Systemkhun mai son chai lon rue ngai thueng khanat mai khoi pai khop loei

 [example sentence]
"Are you not interested in her or what – you hardly ever go see her."

componentsคุณ khoonM[singular and plural] you; your
ไม่ maiFnot; no
สนใจ sohnR jaiM[is] interested (in); [is] attentive (to)
หล่อน laawnL[a 3rd person pronoun] she, her
รึ reuH[colloquial shortening of] หรือ , [the word] or
ไง ngaiM[implying a question] how; what
ถึงขนาดtheungR khaL naatLto the extent that
ไม่ค่อย maiF khaawyFrarely; barely; scarcely; hardly ever; not very much; not quite
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
คบ khohpHto associate with; trade with; traffic with; date (romanticly)
เลย leeuyM[used for emphasis at the end of a statement] " all." — " much!" — "...extremely!; completely, directly; simply, without doing anything else first; right away

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