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thaaF kheuunR ratH thaL baanM muaaM dtaaeL khatL yaaengH ganM yuuL yaangL neeH baanF meuuangM jaL chipL haaiR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiท่า-ขืน-รัด-ถะ-บาน-มัว-แต่-ขัด-แย้ง-กัน-หฺยู่-หฺย่าง-นี้-บ้าน-เมือง-จะ-ฉิบ-หาย
IPAtʰâː kʰɯ̌ːn rát tʰà baːn muːa tɛ̀ː kʰàt jɛ́ːŋ kan jùː jàːŋ níː bâːn mɯːaŋ tɕàʔ tɕʰìp hǎːj
Royal Thai General Systemtha khuen ratthaban mua tae khat yaeng kan yu yang ni ban mueang cha chiphai

 [example sentence]
"If the government insists on being all caught up in bickering, the homeland will be destroyed."

componentsถ้า thaaF[indicating a condition] if
ขืน kheuunRto resist; disobey; oppose; insist on
รัฐบาล ratH thaL baanMgovernment
มัวแต่muaaM dtaaeL[is] so absorbed in; involved in (to the exclusion of all else)
ขัดแย้งกันkhatL yaaengH ganM[of two people] incompatible; [of factions] [are] engaged in fighting and bickering
อยู่ yuuL[marker indicating the progressive or perfect aspect]
อย่างนี้yaangL neeHlike this
บ้านเมืองbaanF meuuangMthe country, the land
จะ jaL[imminent aspect marker]
ฉิบหายchipL haaiR[is] ruined; destroyed; damaged; to go to the dogs

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