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เธอจะโลดแล่นไปไหน ๆ มาไหน ๆ ก็ได้ตามใจชอบ thuuhrM jaL lo:htF laaenF bpaiM naiR naiR maaM naiR naiR gaawF daiF dtaamM jaiM chaawpF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เทอ-จะ-โลด-แล่น-ไป-ไหฺน-ไหฺน-มา-ไหฺน-ไหฺน-ก้อ-ได้-ตาม-ไจ-ชอบ |
IPA | tʰɤː tɕàʔ lôːt lɛ̂ːn paj nǎj nǎj maː nǎj nǎj kɔ̂ː dâj taːm tɕaj tɕʰɔ̂ːp |
Royal Thai General System | thoe cha lot laen pai nai nai ma nai nai ko dai tam chai chop |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "She rushes around here and there to her heart’s content." | ||
components | เธอ | thuuhrM | she; her; [the 3rd person singular pronoun when referring to a female] |
จะ | jaL | [auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall | |
โลดแล่น | lo:htF laaenF | to rush; speed | |
ไป | bpaiM | to go; <subject> goes | |
ไหน ๆ | naiR naiR | anyway | |
มา | maaM | to come; <subject> comes | |
ไหน ๆ | naiR naiR | anyway | |
ก็ได้ | gaawF daiF | as well; also | |
ตามใจชอบ | dtaamM jaiM chaawpF | as you like it; as you please; as your heart desires; depending on your taste | |