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bpenM theeF raH leukH
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเป็น-ที่-ระ-ลึก
IPApen tʰîː ráʔ lɯ́k
Royal Thai General Systempen thi raluek

 [adjective, adverb, phrase]
memorial; remembrance; memento

componentsเป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
ที่ระลึกtheeF raH leukHsouvenir
gaawnL theeF jaL reuuH baanF saangF maiL phaawF yaakL haiF dtaaM glaawngF chuayF chakH ruupF gepL waiH bpenM theeF raH leukH sakL phaapF
"Before demolishing and rebuilding the house, Dad had the photographer take a picture to keep as a memento."

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