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กระปลกกระเปลี้ย graL bplohkL graL bpliiaF |
contents of this page | |
1. | feebly; wearily; weakly |
2. | [ls] weak; exhausted; tired |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | กฺระ-ปฺลก-กฺระ-เปฺลี้ย |
IPA | kràʔ plòk kràʔ plîːa |
Royal Thai General System | kraplokkraplia |
1.  [adverb] | |||
definition | feebly; wearily; weakly | ||
synonyms | กระป้อกระแป้ | graL bpaawF graL bpaaeF | feebly; wearily; weakly |
ป้อแป้ | bpaawF bpaaeF | [is] weak; sluggish; feeble; flabby | |
อ่อนกำลัง | aawnL gamM langM | [is] weak; tender; infirm; feeble | |
อ่อนแรง | aawnL raaengM | [is] weak; tender; infirm; feeble | |
antonym | กระฉับกระเฉง | graL chapL graL chaehngR | [is] vigorous; energetic; active; lively; strong; robust |
sample sentence | |||
2.  [adjective] | |||
definition | [ls] weak; exhausted; tired | ||
sample sentence | |||