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การเติบโตทางเศรษฐกิจไม่ใช่อยู่โดด ๆ แต่ขึ้นกับความผันผวนของเศรษฐกิจโลกด้วย
gaanM dteerpL dto:hM thaangM saehtL thaL gitL maiF chaiF yuuL do:htL do:htL dtaaeL kheunF gapL khwaamM phanR phuaanR khaawngR saehtL thaL gitL lo:hkF duayF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiกาน-เติบ-โต-ทาง-เสด-ถะ-กิด-ไม่-ไช่-หฺยู่-โดด-โดด-แต่-คึ่น-กับ-คฺวาม-ผัน-ผวน-ของ-เสด-ถะ-กิด-โลก-ด้วย
IPAkaːn tɤ̀ːp toː tʰaːŋ sèːt tʰà kìt mâj tɕʰâj jùː dòːt dòːt tɛ̀ː kʰɯ̂n kàp kʰwaːm pʰǎn pʰǔːan kʰɔ̌ːŋ sèːt tʰà kìt lôːk dûaj
Royal Thai General Systemkan toep to thang settha kit mai chai yu dot dot tae khuen kap khwam phanphuan khong settha kit lok duai

 [example sentence]
"Economic growth [in Thailand] does not take place in isolation but also depends on fluctuations in the global economy."

componentsการเติบโตgaanM dteerpL dto:hMgrowth
ทาง thaangMdirection, way, path, course, the way
เศรษฐกิจsaehtL thaL gitLeconomy; economic issues, economics matters or affairs
ไม่ใช่maiF chaiFis not; are not
อยู่ yuuL[locative-copula]
โดด ๆdo:htL do:htLlone; single
แต่ dtaaeLbut; even; however; rather
ขึ้นกับkheunF gapL[is] under; up to; dependent on; under the control of; belong to; responsible to; to report to
ความผันผวนkhwaamM phanR phuaanRfluctuation; change
ของ khaawngRof; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"]
เศรษฐกิจโลกsaehtL thaL gitL lo:hkFthe global economy
ด้วย duayFtogether; along with; also; too; as well; likewise; in addition to doing some other thing (as another action performed by the same subject)

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