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ชาวบ้านรื้อเรือน(ของตน)มาถวายพระ chaaoM baanF reuuH reuuanM khaawngR dtohnM maaM thaL waaiR phraH |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ชาว-บ้าน-รื้อ-เรือน-ของ-ตน-มา-ถะ-หฺวาย-พฺระ |
IPA | tɕʰaːw bâːn rɯ́ː rɯːan kʰɔ̌ːŋ ton maː tʰà wǎːj pʰráʔ |
Royal Thai General System | chao ban rue ruean khong ton ma thawai phra |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "The villagers dismantled their homes and donated them as places for monks to live in." | ||
components | ชาวบ้าน | chaaoM baanF | villagers; "common folks"; the people; the hoi polloi, the salt of the earth; ordinary people |
รื้อ | reuuH | to demolish; raze; dismantle; take down | |
เรือน | reuuanM | household; dwelling; abode; [typically a] wooden house | |
ของตน | khaawngR dtohnM | [is] one's own; belonging to oneself | |
มา | maaM | to come; <subject> comes | |
ถวาย | thaL waaiR | to give; offer; present; make a donation to a monk | |
พระ | phraH | priest; minister; cleric; monk; padre; god; Buddha image | |
related words | |||