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ก่อนหน้านี้ก็ถึงกับมี "สก็อตแลนด์ยาร์ด" เข้ามาร่วม "สังเกตการณ์" การสอบสวนสืบสวนแล้วด้วยอีกต่างหาก
gaawnL naaF neeH gaawF theungR gapL meeM saL gawtL laaenM yaadF khaoF maaM ruaamF sangR gaehtL gaanM gaanM saawpL suaanR seuupL suaanR laaeoH duayF eekL dtaangL haakL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiก่อน-น่า-นี้-ก้อ-ถึง-กับ-มี-สะ-ก็อด-แลน-ยาด-เค่า-มา-ร่วม-สัง-เกด-กาน-กาน-สอบ-สวน-สืบ-สวน-แล้ว-ด้วย-อีก-ต่าง-หาก
IPAkɔ̀ːn nâː níː kɔ̂ː tʰɯ̌ŋ kàp miː sà kɔ̀t lɛːn jâːd kʰâw maː rûːam sǎŋ kèːt kaːn kaːn sɔ̀ːp sǔːan sɯ̀ːp sǔːan lɛ́ːw dûaj ʔìːk tàːŋ hàːk
Royal Thai General Systemkon na ni ko thueng kap mi sakotlaenyad khao ma ruam sangketkan kan sopsuan suepsuan laeo duai ik tang hak

 [example sentence]
"So, previously, there have been cases where Scotland Yard has also participated as an “observer” in investigations."

componentsก่อนหน้านี้gaawnL naaF neeHin former times; prior to this time
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
ถึงกับtheungR gapLso as; so that; as the result
มี meeM[existential construction] there is; there are
สก็อตแลนด์ยาร์ดsaL gawtL laaenM yaadF[Thai transcription of foreign loanword] Scotland Yard
เข้ามาkhaoF maaMto come in; enter in; approach; attend (an event); come together
ร่วม ruaamFto share; join; partake; participate; unite; affiliate with; associate with; team with
สังเกตการณ์sangR gaehtL gaanMto observe; watch
การสอบสวนสืบสวนgaanM saawpL suaanR seuupL suaanRinvestigation
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the end of a clause indicating current position, fulfilment of a condition, emphasis, or confirmation] already; any more
ด้วย duayFtogether; along with; also; too; as well; likewise; in addition to doing some other thing (as another action performed by the same subject)
อีกต่างหากeekL dtaangL haakLalso; in addition; furthermore

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