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niH dtiL thamM
Royal Institute - 1982
นิติธรรม  /นิ-ติ-ทำ/
[นาม] หลักพื้นฐานแห่งกฎหมาย.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiนิ-ติ-ทัม
IPAníʔ tìʔ tʰam
Royal Thai General Systemniti tham

the "Rule of Law"

componentsนิติ niH dtiLlegal; pertaining to law
ธรรม thamMrule; law; regulation
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM itL saL raL waaF duayF gaanM sohngL seermR lakL niH dtiL thamM haengL chaatF
Independent National Rule of Law Commission
หลักนิติธรรมlakL niH dtiL thamMbasic legal principles; the rule of law
khaoR jaL deernM thaangM glapL bpraL thaehtF thaiM pheuuaF phiH suutL khwaamM baawM riH sootL laeH dtaawL suuF khaH deeM dtaamM graL buaanM gaanM yootH dtiL thamM anM chaawpF duayF gohtL maaiR laeH bpenM bpaiM dtaamM lakL niH dtiL thamM
"He will return to Thailand in order to prove his innocence and to fight the case against him in accordance with due process under the law and with the rule of law."

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