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khaH naH gamM maH gaanM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiคะ-นะ-กัม-มะ-กาน
IPAkʰá náʔ kam má kaːn
Royal Thai General Systemkhana kamma kan

committee; council

classifierกลุ่ม gloomL[numerical classifier for committees, groups, bundles, clusters, packets]
componentsคณะ khaH naHcouncil; group; member; corporation
กรรมการgamM maH gaanMcommittee; board member
synonymsกม.gaawM maawM[abbreviation for คณะกรรมการ ] Board
คกก.khaawM gaawM gaawM[abbreviation for คณะกรรมการ ] committee
related wordก.ก.gamM maH gaanM[abbreviation for กรรมการ] committee member
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM phuuF phiH jaaM raH naaM gaanM haiF raangM wanM laeH gaanM dtatL sinR
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gaanM seukL saaR haengL chaatF
Office of the National Education
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gaanM leuuakF dtangF
The Election Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM jaL riH yaH thamM gaanM thamM wiH jaiM
Research Ethics Committee
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM aaM haanR laeH yaaM
Food and Drug Administration (of Thailand) (อย.)
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gitL jaL gaanM tho:hM raH khaH maH naaM khohmM haengL chaatF
The National Telecommunications Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM phatH thaH naaM gaanM saehtL thaL gitL laeH sangR khohmM haengL chaatF
National Economic and Social Development Board
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM bpaawngF ganM laeH bpraapL bpraamM khwaamM thootH jaL ritL haengL chaatF
National Anti-Corruption Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM ruaamF phaakF aehkL gaL chohnM
Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM dtruaatL saawpL gaanM graL thamM theeF gaawL haiF geertL khwaamM siiaR haaiR gaaeL ratH
The Asset Examination Committee
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gaanM seukL saaR khanF pheuunH thaanR
Office of the Basic Education Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM bpaawngF ganM laeH bpraapL bpraamM gaanM thootH jaL ritL haengL chaatF
The National Anti-Corruption Commission (ACT)
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM bpraL chaaM chohnM pheuuaF gaaeF khaiR ratH thaL thamM maH nuunM
People’s Committee for Amending the 2550 Constitution
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM dtruaatL rapH
examination committee
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM bpaawngF ganM laeH bpraapL bpraamM gaanM faawkF ngernM
Anti-Money Laundering Committee
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM phatH thaH naaM raH bohpL raatF chaH gaanM
Office of the Public Sector Development Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gaanM seukL saaR khanF pheuunH thaanR
Committee on Fundamental Education
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gritL saL deeM gaaM
Office of the Council of State of Thailand
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM naH yo:hM baaiM phaH langM ngaanM haengL chaatF
National Energy Policy Office
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM naH yo:hM baaiM phaH langM ngaanM haengL chaatF
National Energy Policy Council
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM khaaF raatF chaH gaanM dtamM ruaatL
Police Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM khaaF raatF chaH gaanM phohnM laH reuuanM
Civil Service Commission
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM wiH jaiM haengL chaatF
Office of the National Research Council of Thailand
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gamM gapL naH yo:hM baaiM daanF ratH wiH saaR haL gitL
Office of State Enterprises, Comptroller-General's Department, Ministry of Finance
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM khuaapF khoomM khreuuangF deuumL aaenM gaawM haawM
Office of Alcoholic Beverages
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM naH yo:hM baaiM khaaoF haengL chaatF
Department of Internal Trade
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM sitL thiH maH nootH saL yaH chohnM haengL chaatF
National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRC)
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM dtooL laaM gaanM saanR yootH dtiL thamM
Judicial Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM dtruaatL ngernM phaenL dinM
State Audit Commission
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gaanM aaM cheeM waH aaM cheeM waH seukL saaR
Office of the Vocational Education Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM dtaawpL dto:hF gaanM gaawL gaanM raaiH
Counter Terrorism Committee - CTC
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gamM gapL lakL sapH laeH dtaL laatL lakL sapH
Securities and Exchange Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM watH thaH naH thamM haengL chaatF
National Culture Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gitL jaL gaanM graL jaaiM siiangR laeH gitL jaL gaanM tho:hM raH thatH haengL chaatF
Selection Committee for National Television and Broadcasting Affairs
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM itL saL raL dtruaatL saawpL laeH khohnH haaR khwaamM jingM pheuuaF gaanM bpraawngM daawngM haengL chaatF
Independent Truth and Reconciliation Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM naH yo:hM baaiM khaiL gaiL laeH phaL litL dtaL phanM
The Committee for Egg Policy and Production (Egg Board)
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gritL saL deeM gaaM
Council of State; Juridical Council
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gritL saL deeM gaaM
Office of the Council of State
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM saL phaaM gaanM seukL saaR
Education Council
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM itL saL raL pheuuaF khwaamM saL maanM naH chanR haengL chaatF
The National Reconciliation Commission
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gaanM bpraL thohmR seukL saaR haengL chaatF
Office of the National Primary Education Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM khaaF raatF chaH gaanM khruuM laeH bookL khaH laaM gaawnM thaangM gaanM seukL saaR
Committee for Civil Service Teachers and Education Personnel
คณะกรรมการกิจการกระจายเสียง กิจการโทรทัศน์ และกิจการโทรคมนาคมแห่งชาติ
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gitL jaL gaanM graL jaaiM siiangR gitL jaL gaanM tho:hM raH thatH laeH gitL jaL gaanM tho:hM raH khaH maH naaM khohmM haengL chaatF
The National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gaanM ooL dohmM maH seukL saaR
Office of the Higher Education Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM baawM riH haanR naH yo:hM baaiM phaH langM ngaanM
Energy Planning and Policy Committee
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM khuaapF khoomM gaanM bpraL gaawpL wiH chaaM cheepF gaanM banM cheeM
The Board of Supervision of Auditing Practices
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM yootH thaH saatL pheuuaF gaanM feuunH fuuM laeH saangF aL naaM khohtH bpraL thaehtF
Strategic Formulation Committee for Reconstruction and Future Development
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM yootH thaH saatL pheuuaF waangM raH bohpL gaanM baawM riH haanR sapH phaH yaaM gaawnM naamH
Strategic Formulation Committee for Water Resources Management
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM itL saL raL waaF duayF gaanM sohngL seermR lakL niH dtiL thamM haengL chaatF
Independent National Rule of Law Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM baawM riH haanR jatL gaanM naamH laeH ooL thohkH gaL phaiM
Committee for National Water and Flood Management Policy
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM bpraL chaaM chohnM pheuuaF bpliianL bplaaengM bpraL thaehtF thaiM haiF bpenM bpraL chaaM thipH bpaL dtaiM theeF sohmR buunM anM meeM phraH maH haaR gaL satL bpenM bpraL mookH
People's Committee for a Perfect Democracy with the King as Head of State
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM sitL thiH maH nootH saL yaH chohnM haengL chaatF
Human Rights Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM gaanM ooL dohmM maH seukL saaR
Higher Education Commission
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM sohngL seermR gaanM lohngM thoonM
Board of Investment (BOI)
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM raangF ratH thaL thamM maH nuunM
Constitution Drafting Committee
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM phatH thaH naaM gaanM baawM riH haanR ngaanM yootH dtiL thamM haengL chaatF
National Commission for Justice Administration Development
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM naH yo:hM baaiM ratH wiH saaR haL gitL
State Enterprise Policy Office
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM aaM haanR laeH yaaM
Office of the Food and Drug Administration (within the กระทรวงสาธารณสุข)
samR nakH ngaanM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM khaaF raatF chaH gaanM khruuM laeH bookL khaH laaM gaawnM thaangM gaanM seukL saaR
Office of the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Commission
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM baawM riH satL
board of directors (of a company)
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM naH yo:hM baaiM ratH wiH saaR haL gitL
State Enterprise Policy Office
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM deernM aaM gaatL raH waangL bpraL thaehtF
International Commission for Air Navigation
คณะกรรมการชุดนี้ต้องใจกว้างและใจเย็น เพราะจะต้องรับฟังการถกเถียงโต้แย้งกันอย่างถึงพริกถึงขิง
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM chootH neeH dtawngF jaiM gwaangF laeH jaiM yenM phrawH jaL dtawngF rapH fangM gaanM thohkL thiiangR dto:hF yaaengH ganM yaangL theungR phrikH theungR khingR
"The members of this committee have to steel themselves to be liberal and composed because they are required to listen to arguments and disagreements of the most violent sort."
งวดเข้ามาทุกขณะ สำหรับผลสรุปของคณะกรรมการตรวจสอบข้อเท็จจริงกรณีการจัดซื้อหนังสือและสื่อการเรียนการสอนขององค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัด
nguaatF khaoF maaM thookH khaL naL samR rapL phohnR saL roopL khaawngR khaH naH gamM maH gaanM dtruaatL saawpL khaawF thetH jingM gaL raH neeM gaanM jatL seuuH nangR seuuR laeH seuuL gaanM riianM gaanM saawnR khaawngR ohngM gaanM baawM riH haanR suaanL jangM watL
"The committee investigating the facts concerning the purchase of books and educational materials by the Provincial Administrative councils is just about ready to issue its summary report."
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM ratH thaL saL phaaM sakH faawkF ratH thaL mohnM dtreeM reuuangF gaanM waangM raH beertL naiM phaakF dtaaiF
"The parliamentary committee interrogated the minister regarding the Southern bombings."
เมื่อตำแหน่งว่างลง คณะกรรมการจึงจัดหาผู้ที่เหมาะสมนั่งในตำแหน่งแทนคนเก่า
meuuaF dtamM naengL waangF lohngM khaH naH gamM maH gaanM jeungM jatL haaR phuuF theeF mawL sohmR nangF naiM dtamM naengL thaaenM khohnM gaoL
"When the position became vacant, a committee was formed to find a suitable replacement to fill the position."
thaawyF khamM khaawngR khaoR chaL chaanR johnM thamM haiF khaH naH gamM maH gaanM dtaawpL rapH khamM khaawR raawngH khaawngR khaoR
"He spoke so forcefully and lucidly that the committee responded positively to his appeal."
theeF bpraL choomM meeM maH dtiL haiF dtangF khaH naH gamM maH gaanM phiH jaaM raH naaM haaR naaeoM thaangM naiM gaanM bprapL atL raaM ngernM deuuanM khruuM
"At the meeting it was decided to form a committee to consider a course of action to increase teachers’ salaries."
กรมสรรพากรไม่ได้นิ่งนอนใจ มีการการตั้งคณะกรรมการขึ้นมาดูแลและตรวจสอบทางวินัยกับเจ้าหน้าที่กรมทั้ง คนแล้ว ว่าจะมีใครเป็นผู้รับผิดชอบบ้าง และรับผิดชอบอย่างไร
grohmM sanR phaaM gaawnM maiF daiF ningF naawnM jaiM meeM gaanM gaanM dtangF khaH naH gamM maH gaanM kheunF maaM duuM laaeM laeH dtruaatL saawpL thaangM wiH naiM gapL jaoF naaF theeF grohmM thangH haaF khohnM laaeoH waaF jaL meeM khraiM bpenM phuuF rapH phitL chaawpF baangF laeH rapH phitL chaawpF yaangL raiM
"The Revenue Department is not sitting by idly. A five-person committee has been set up to take care of and monitor the diligence of the officials in the Department to determine who is responsible and how well this responsibility is being carried out."
siiangR jaakL saL maaM chikH maakF gwaaL geungL neungL maiF uuhrM aawM haawL mohkL gapL khaH naH gamM maH gaanM theeF saL nuuhrR cheuuF khaoR bpenM bpraL thaanM
"Over half the membership voted to disagree with the committee’s recommendation that he be appointed as the chairman."
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM thamM ngaanM ganM dtemM suupL pheuuaF haiF ngaanM setL thanM gamM nohtL
"The committee worked full-bore to get the work done on time."
ผมเห็นแก่ว่าการแต่งตั้งคณะกรรมการที่มาจากสันติบาลเป็นการแต่งตั้งที่ไม่ถูกระเบียบของกกต. ผมจึงขอถอนตัวไม่ร่วมด้วย เพราะไม่อยากเดินรอยตามกกต. ชุดที่แล้ว
phohmR henR gaaeL waaF gaanM dtaengL dtangF khaH naH gamM maH gaanM theeF maaM jaakL sanR dtiL baanM bpenM gaanM dtaengL dtangF theeF maiF thuukL raH biiapL khaawngR gaawM gaawM dtaawM phohmR jeungM khaawR thaawnR dtuaaM maiF ruaamF duayF phrawH maiF yaakL deernM raawyM dtaamM gaawM gaawM dtaawM chootH theeF laaeoH
"I believe that setting up a committee from the CIB is not in accordance with the rules of the Election Commission. I therefore request that my name be withdrawn from consideration because I do not wish to follow in the footsteps of the prior Election commission."
สหประชาชาติส่งคณะกรรมการพิเศษเข้าไปตรวจสอบขีปนาวุธพิสัยเกิน ๑๕๐ กิโลเมตรของอิรัก
saL haL bpraL chaaM chaatF sohngL khaH naH gamM maH gaanM phiH saehtL khaoF bpaiM dtruaatL saawpL kheeR bpaL naaM wootH phiH saiR geernM raawyH haaF sipL giL lo:hM metH khaawngR iL rakH
"The United Nations sent in a special delegation to inspect Iraqi missiles with a range exceeding 150 kilometers."
เมื่อคณะกรรมการชุดนี้ก็ได้ศึกษาและมีข้อสรุปแนวทางสมานฉันท์และการแก้ไข รัฐธรรมนูญออกมาแล้ว พรรคประชาธิปัตย์ก็ใช้วิธีการ "นิ่งเฉย" ไม่มีการสานต่อ
meuuaF khaH naH gamM maH gaanM chootH neeH gaawF daiF seukL saaR laeH meeM khaawF saL roopL naaeoM thaangM saL maanM naH chanR laeH gaanM gaaeF khaiR ratH thaL thamM maH nuunM aawkL maaM laaeoH phakH bpraL chaaM thiH bpatL gaawF chaiH wiH theeM gaanM ningF cheeuyR maiF meeM gaanM saanR dtaawL
"When this committee studied and arrived at conclusions to reconcile and fix the constitution, the Democrat Party developed a strategy of “doing nothing” and engaged in no follow-up activity."
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM henR chaawpF haiF cheernM phuuF sohngM khoonM naH wootH bpenM theeF bpreukL saaR jamM nuaanM saawngR raaiM
"The committee approved inviting two experts to serve as advisors."
khaH naH gamM maH gaanM chamM raH phohtH jaL naaM nooH grohmM lemF deermM yuuL pheuuaF namM maaM phimM maiL
"The committee for the revision of the original dictionary exists for the purpose of creating a new printed version."

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