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khaoR dtawngF glaaiM bpenM phaeH rapH baapL bpaiM dooyM theeF khaoR aehngM maiF daiF thamM phitL aL raiM leeuyM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเขา-ต็้อง-กฺลาย-เป็น-แพะ-รับ-บาบ-ไป-โดย-ที่-เขา-เอง-ไม่-ได้-ทำ-ผิด-อะ-ไร-เลย
IPAkʰǎw tɔ̂ŋ klaːj pen pʰɛ́ʔ ráp bàːp paj doːj tʰîː kʰǎw ʔeːŋ mâj dâj tʰam pʰìt ʔàʔ raj lɤːj
Royal Thai General Systemkhao tong klai pen phae rapbap pai doi thi khao eng mai dai tham phit arai loei

 [example sentence]
"He became a scapegoat even though he himself did nothing wrong."

componentsเขา khaoR[3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them
ต้อง dtawngF[auxiliary verb] has to...; must...; is required to...; is duty-bound to...
กลายเป็นglaaiM bpenMto become
แพะรับบาปphaeH rapH baapLscapegoat; fall guy
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
โดย dooyMby; via; the method; route; way or mode of attainment
ที่ theeF[the relative pronouns] that; which; which is...
เขาเองkhaoR aehngMhimself; herself; themselves
ไม่ได้maiF daiF[auxiliary verb] did not...; didn't...; does not; is not
ทำผิดthamM phitLdo wrong; make a mistake; violate
อะไร aL raiMsomething; anything; things; stuff; whatever; everything
เลย leeuyM[used for emphasis at the end of a statement] " all." — " much!" — "...extremely!; completely, directly; simply, without doing anything else first; right away

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