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khaangF bohnM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiค่าง-บน
IPAkʰâːŋ bon
Royal Thai General Systemkhang bon

above; upstairs; on the upper side

componentsข้าง khaangFtowards; in the direction of
บน bohnMover; above; on; upon; in
antonymข้างล่างkhaangF laangFbelow; under; downstairs
เธอถูกจำกัดบริเวณ! ขึ้นไปข้างบนแล้วอ่านหนังสือเดี๋ยวนี้!
thuuhrM thuukL jamM gatL baawM riH waehnM kheunF bpaiM khaangF bohnM laaeoH aanL nangR seuuR diaaoR neeH
"You are grounded! Go upstairs and study!"
khoonM sooL jitL yuuL khaangF bohnM reuH bplaaoL
"Is Mr. Sujit upstairs?"
diL chanR dtawngF gaanM baanF theeF khaangF bohnM meeM haawngF naawnM saamR haawngF khaF
"I want one with three bedrooms upstairs."

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