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พวกคุณมาทำเสียงดังตึงตังปานแผ่นดินไหว จนผมถึงกับต้องสะดุ้งตื่นขึ้นมาทันที
phuaakF khoonM maaM thamM siiangR dangM dteungM dtangM bpaanM phaenL dinM waiR johnM phohmR theungR gapL dtawngF saL doongF dteuunL kheunF maaM thanM theeM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiพวก-คุน-มา-ทำ-เสียง-ดัง-ตึง-ตัง-ปาน-แผ่น-ดิน-ไหฺว-จน-ผม-ถึง-กับ-ต็้อง-สะ-ดุ้ง-ตื่น-คึ่น-มา-ทัน-ที
IPApʰûːak kʰun maː tʰam sǐːaŋ daŋ tɯŋ taŋ paːn pʰɛ̀n din wǎj tɕon pʰǒm tʰɯ̌ŋ kàp tɔ̂ŋ sàʔ dûŋ tɯ̀ːn kʰɯ̂n maː tʰan tʰiː
Royal Thai General Systemphuak khun ma tham siang dang tuengtang pan phaen din wai chon phom thueng kap tong sadung tuen khuen ma than thi

 [example sentence]
"You guys made such a racket with your stomping, it sounds like an earthquake; I woke up suddenly in a startled fright."

componentsพวกคุณphuaakF khoonMyou (as a group); you guys; the bunch of you
มา maaMto come; <subject> comes
ทำ thamMto make, produce, or implement (i.e. something tangible)
เสียงดังsiiangR dangM[is] noisy; loud
ตึงตัง dteungM dtangM[used in written Thai to represent the noise of people fighting or wrestling or of a person or people stomping on the wooden floor] loudly
ปาน bpaanMas if; like; as; thus
แผ่นดินไหวphaenL dinM waiRearthquake
จน johnMuntil; up until; as far as; up to; to; till
ผม phohmR[used by male speakers] I; me; my
ถึงกับtheungR gapLso as; so that; as the result
ต้อง dtawngF[auxiliary verb] has to...; must...; is required to...; is duty-bound to...
สะดุ้งตื่นsaL doongF dteuunLto wake up with a fright; wake up frightened; wake up with a shock
ขึ้นมาkheunF maaMto come up; arise; move upward; increase; happen; occur
ทันทีthanM theeMsuddenly; at once; immediately

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