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sakL haengL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiสัก-แห่ง
IPAsàk hɛ̀ŋ
Royal Thai General Systemsak haeng

any place; one place; any one place; some place

componentsสัก sakLjust; mere; even; just about; approximately
แห่ง haengLlocation; place; spot
related wordที่ไหนtheeF naiRanywhere
khaoR maiF yaakL bpaiM theeF naiR leeuyM sakL haengL
“He doesn't want to go anywhere at all.” [more emphatic]
manM khohngM lohpL yuuL theeF naiR sakL haengL
"It [would] probably fly away somewhere."
thookH khohnM reepF bpaiM naiR sakL haengL yuuL saL muuhrR
"Everyone is always rushing to go one place or another."
waehM laaM suuF chingR dtawngF binM flaiM yaaoM bpaiM naiR sakL haengL
"Whenever I have to take a long flight somewhere..."

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