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ramF bpaiM
Royal Institute - 1982
ร่ำไป  /ร่ำ-ไป/
[วิเศษณ์] พร่ำเพรื่อไป, บ่อยๆ.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiร่ำ-ไป
IPArâm paj
Royal Thai General Systemram pai

repeatedly; incessently

componentsร่ำ ramFconstantly; repeatedly; continually; persistently
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
synonymsครั้งแล้วครั้งเล่าkhrangH laaeoH khrangH laoFagain and again; time and again
จำเจjamM jaehM[is] monotonous; tedious; uninteresting; repetitious
ซ้ำไปซ้ำมาsamH bpaiM samH maaMrepeatedly; again and againg
ซ้ำแล้วซ้ำเล่าsamH laaeoH samH laoFrepeatedly; again and again
ซ้ำแล้วซ้ำอีกsamH laaeoH samH eekLagain and again; repeatedly
ซ้ำซากsaamH saakFrepetitiously; again and again; repeatedly
ซ้ำๆ ซากๆsaamH saamH saakF saakFrepeatedly; over and over; frequently; many times; often
ตะบี้ตะบันdtaL beeF dtaL banMunceasingly; on and on
พร่ำเพรื่อphramF phreuuaFad nauseam; to harp on indiscriminately or indiscreetly and repeatedly
การที่เป็นคนคิดเล็กคิดน้อยอยู่ร่ำไป แสดงถึงความเป็นคนใจแคบนะ
gaanM theeF bpenM khohnM khitH lekH khitH naawyH yuuL ramF bpaiM saL daaengM theungR khwaamM bpenM khohnM jaiM khaaepF naH
"For someone to be sweating the small stuff ad nauseam, it just shows what a small minded and petty person he is."

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