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ฝายจะมีประโยชน์ในการใช้น้ำยามแล้ง ทำให้ป่าชุ่มชื่น และยังช่วยลดการเกิดอุทกภัยต่าง ๆ
faaiR jaL meeM bpraL yo:htL naiM gaanM chaiH naamH yaamM laaengH thamM haiF bpaaL choomF cheuunF laeH yangM chuayF lohtH gaanM geertL ooL thohkH gaL phaiM dtaangL dtaangL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiฝาย-จะ-มี-ปฺระ-โหฺยด-ไน-กาน-ไช้-น้าม-ยาม-แล้ง-ทำ-ไฮ่-ป่า-ชุ่ม-ชื่น-และ-ยัง-ช่วย-ลด-กาน-เกิด-อุ-ทก-กะ-พัย-ต่าง-ต่าง
IPAfǎːj tɕàʔ miː pràʔ jòːt naj kaːn tɕʰáj náːm jaːm lɛ́ːŋ tʰam hâj pàː tɕʰûm tɕʰɯ̂ːn lɛ́ʔ jaŋ tɕʰûaj lót kaːn kɤ̀ːt ʔùʔ tʰók kà pʰaj tàːŋ tàːŋ
Royal Thai General Systemfai cha mi prayot nai kan chai nam yam laeng tham hai pa chum chuen lae yang chuai lot kan koet uthokkaphai tang tang

 [example sentence]
"A dam has the benefit of providing water during the dry season, in keeping the forest moist and irrigated, and in helping to reduce flooding."

componentsฝาย faaiRirrigation dam; weir; dike
จะ jaL[auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall
มีประโยชน์meeM bpraL yo:htL[is] beneficial; useful; advantageous; [has] advantages
ใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
การ gaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
ใช้ chaiHto use, employ, exploit an object; utilize; resort to; implement
น้ำ naamHwater; fluid; liquid
ยาม yaamMperiod of time designated as a shift or a watch for a sentinel or watchman
แล้ง laaengH[is] dry
ทำให้thamM haiFto give or make; to cause something to be; to render someone or something to be; to effect
ป่า bpaaLforest; woods; jungle; wild
ชุ่มชื่นchoomF cheuunF[is] refreshing; happy; joyful; cheerful; moist; damp; soaked; wet
และ laeHand
ยัง yangMyet; since; not yet; still
ช่วย chuayFto help; to aid; to assist; to contribute; to please
ลด lohtHto decrease; reduce; lower; diminish; lessen
การ gaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
เกิด geertLto be born; to birth; to happen
อุทกภัยooL thohkH gaL phaiMflood; inundation; deluge
ต่าง ๆdtaangL dtaangLvarious; assorted; miscellaneous

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