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roonF pheeF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiรุ่น-พี่
IPArûn pʰîː
Royal Thai General Systemrun phi

senior citizen; classmate from a more senior year; upper classman

componentsรุ่น roonFgeneration; era
พี่ pheeFolder sibling; older siblings
antonymรุ่นน้องroonF naawngHclassmates from a more junior year; lower classman
exampleรุ่นพี่ป้าน้าอาroonF pheeF bpaaF naaH aaMan older generation; a group more senior than the speaker
roonF pheeF theeF khaH naH laaiR khohnM gaawF reermF jaakL gaanM feukL ngaanM
"Many of the upper classmen who graduated from his faculty started their careers at the place they interned."
khaoR laoF theungR roonF pheeF theeF khaoR cheuunF chohmM khohnM neungL waaF meuuaF thamM ngaanM daiF phohnR deeM
"He told me about his older coworker whom he praised as someone who when given an assignment always got good results."
nakH riianM roonF naawngH glohmM gliaaoM gapL roonF pheeF deeM
"The lower grade students get along very well with the upper classmen."
ดาราคนนี้เพิ่งเข้าวงการ แต่มาแรงแซงโค้งดารารุ่นพี่ทุกคน
daaM raaM khohnM neeH pheerngF khaoF wohngM gaanM dtaaeL maaM raaengM saaengM kho:hngH daaM raaM roonF pheeF thookH khohnM
"This actress just came into the spotlight but quickly overshadowed every one who is senior to her."

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