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รัชกาลที่ ๕ คงจะทรงอุทิศพระองค์เพื่อบ้านเมืองตามรอยพระบาทพระราชบิดา ด้วยระยะเวลาของการเสวยราชย์ที่นานกว่า
ratH chaH gaanM theeF haaF khohngM jaL sohngM ooL thitH phraH ohngM pheuuaF baanF meuuangM dtaamM raawyM phraH baatL phraH raatF chaH biL daaM duayF raH yaH waehM laaM khaawngR gaanM saL weeuyR raatF theeF naanM gwaaL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiรัด-ชะ-กาน-ที่-ฮ่า-คง-จะ-ซง-อุ-ทิด-พฺระ-อง-เพื่อ-บ้าน-เมือง-ตาม-รอย-พฺระ-บาด-พฺระ-ราด-ชะ-บิ-ดา-ด้วย-ระ-ยะ-เว-ลา-ของ-กาน-สะ-เหฺวย-ราด-ที่-นาน-กฺว่า
IPArát tɕʰá kaːn tʰîː hâː kʰoŋ tɕàʔ soŋ ʔùʔ tʰít pʰráʔ ʔoŋ pʰɯ̂ːa bâːn mɯːaŋ taːm rɔːj pʰráʔ bàːt pʰráʔ râːt tɕʰá bìʔ daː dûaj ráʔ jáʔ weː laː kʰɔ̌ːŋ kaːn sà wɤ̌ːj râːt tʰîː naːn kwàː
Royal Thai General Systemratcha kan thi ha khong cha song uthit phraong phuea ban mueang tam roi phra bat phra ratcha bida duai raya wela khong kan sawoei rat thi nan kwa

 [example sentence]
"King Rama V dedicated himself to his country and nation following in the footsteps of his father; he (Rama V) occupied the throne for a longer period of time (than his father)."

componentsรัชกาลratH chaH gaanM[of a king] a reign
ที่ theeFat; on the site of; within; amidst; in the location of
 haaFThai digit five, 5
คงจะkhohngM jaL[auxiliary verb] probably will; might; probably or possibly will or would; can, could
ทรง sohngM[royal use only] [prefix which transforms common verbs (and sometimes nouns) into the verbs (and nouns) for royal language showing actions of mounting (a horse) or holding (an object), etc. The meanings will depend on such ensuing verbs.]
อุทิศ ooL thitHto dedicate; devote (to); donate (to)
พระองค์phraH ohngM[numerical classifier for kings, queens and royal family members]
เพื่อ pheuuaFfor; on behalf of; for the purpose of...
บ้าน baanFhouse; home; place (or one's place); village
เมือง meuuangMcity; nation; country; land; town
ตาม dtaamMto follow; along; around
รอย raawyMa trace; pathway; track; vestige; impression; imprint; a mark
พระบาทphraH baatL[royal use only] the foot of a king or of royalty, the Buddha's foot-print
พระ phraH[a title or prefix word used with a most revered person, place, or object] royal
ราช raatF chaHroyal; imperial; of the king; of the crown; regal
บิดา biL daaMfather
ด้วย duayFtogether; along with; also; too; as well; likewise; in addition to doing some other thing (as another action performed by the same subject)
ระยะ raH yaHa space; interval or separation (as in punctuation); a period; a stage; distance; time
เวลา  waehM laaM[general] time [as in space and time]
ของ khaawngRof; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"]
การ gaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
เสวยราชย์saL weeuyR raatFto occupy the throne; succeed to the throne; to be proclaimed king; to be enthroned
ที่ theeFat; on the site of; within; amidst; in the location of
นาน naanMlong time; as time passes
กว่า gwaaL[suffix used for comparisons] than; more; -er

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