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ลิตร litH |
contents of this page | |
1. | [Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] liter; the basic unit of volume measurement in the metric system |
2. | [numerical classifier for liquids sold by the liter] |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ลิด |
IPA | lít |
Royal Thai General System | lit |
1.  [noun, loanword, English] | |||
definition | [Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] liter; the basic unit of volume measurement in the metric system | ||
categories | |||
synonym | ล. | litH | [abbreviation for ลิตร] liter |
sample sentences | |||
2.  [classifier] | |||
definition | [numerical classifier for liquids sold by the liter] | ||
enumerated nouns | น้ำมันชีวภาพ | namH manM cheeM waH phaapF | biofuel |
น้ำมันเบรค | namH manM braehkL | brake fluid | |
ไบโอดีเซล | baiM o:hM deeM saehnM | [Thai transcription of English word] biodiesel; biodiesel fuel | |