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saapL chaaengF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiสาบ-แช่ง
IPAsàːp tɕʰɛ̂ːŋ
Royal Thai General Systemsap chaeng

1.   [verb, transitive, intransitive, phrase]
to curse; to put a curse on; to spell; to put a spell on; to ban

componentsสาป saapLto cast a curse or spell upon, to doom
แช่ง chaaengFto curse; damn
synonymsเผาพริกเผาเกลือphaoR phrikH phaoR gleuuaMto put a spell on; put a curse on someone
สาปส่งsaapL sohngLto curse; scold
bookL khohnM reuuR singL theeF khohnM saapL chaaengF reuuR gliiatL changM
anathema; the excommunicated; the cursed
khamM ooL thaanM theeF saL daaengM khwaamM rangM giiatL laeH gaanM saL bohtL saapL chaaengF
[a Thai description of the word] drat [a mild expletive]
ชาวบ้านสาปแช่งเธอและครอบครัวของเธอ คำทุกคำยังคงก้องอยู่ในหูของเธอ
chaaoM baanF saapL chaaengF thuuhrM laeH khraawpF khruaaM khaawngR thuuhrM khamM thookH khamM yangM khohngM gaawngF yuuL naiM huuR khaawngR thuuhrM
"The people are cursing her and her family; their words are still reverberating in her ears."
2. การสาปแช่ง  gaanM saapL chaaengF  [noun]

componentsการgaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
สาป saapLto cast a curse or spell upon, to doom
แช่ง chaaengFto curse; damn
synonymการพูดลามกgaanM phuutF laaM mohkHprofanity; saying swear words

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