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ถ้าเราเชื่อว่าการเล่นหวยไม่ใช่สิ่งที่ดีสำหรับใครก็ตาม การไม่มีหวยให้เล่น หรือลดช่องทางในการเล่นหวย ก็น่าจะทำให้ชีวิตของเราดีขึ้น
thaaF raoM cheuuaF waaF gaanM lenF huayR maiF chaiF singL theeF deeM samR rapL khraiM gaawF dtaamM gaanM maiF meeM huayR haiF lenF reuuR lohtH chaawngF thaangM naiM gaanM lenF huayR gaawF naaF jaL thamM haiF cheeM witH khaawngR raoM deeM kheunF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiท่า-เรา-เชื่อ-ว่า-กาน-เล่น-หวย-ไม่-ไช่-สิ่ง-ที่-ดี-สำ-หฺรับ-ไคฺร-ก้อ-ตาม-กาน-ไม่-มี-หวย-ไฮ่-เล่น-หฺรือ-ลด-ช่อง-ทาง-ไน-กาน-เล่น-หวย-ก้อ-น่า-จะ-ทำ-ไฮ่-ชี-วิด-ของ-เรา-ดี-คึ่น
IPAtʰâː raw tɕʰɯ̂ːa wâː kaːn lên hǔaj mâj tɕʰâj sìŋ tʰîː diː sǎm ràp kʰraj kɔ̂ː taːm kaːn mâj miː hǔaj hâj lên rɯ̌ː lót tɕʰɔ̂ːŋ tʰaːŋ naj kaːn lên hǔaj kɔ̂ː nâː tɕàʔ tʰam hâj tɕʰiː wít kʰɔ̌ːŋ raw diː kʰɯ̂n
Royal Thai General Systemtha rao chuea wa kan len huai mai chai sing thi di samrap khrai ko tam kan mai mi huai hai len rue lot chong thang nai kan len huai ko na cha tham hai chiwit khong rao di khuen

 [example sentence]
"If we believe that the lottery is of no benefit to anyone, not having a lottery or reducing the opportunity for people to play the lottery should improve [the quality of] our lives."

componentsถ้า thaaF[indicating a condition] if
เรา raoMwe; us; our
เชื่อ cheuuaFto believe; to trust; to have faith in; to rely on
ว่า waaF[proposition complementizer] that...; as... [see examples]
การเล่น gaanM lenF[the activity of] playing; game; match
หวย huayRa lottery; [especially] the daily lottery based on the Thai alphabet that was legal fifty years ago; sweepstakes
ไม่ใช่ maiF chaiFnot; is not
สิ่ง singL[general term for] a thing; item
ที่ดีtheeF deeMbest; which is good; who are good
สำหรับ samR rapLfor; as for; in order to; for the purpose of; in order that
ใครก็ตามkhraiM gaawF dtaamManyone; anyone at all; whosoever
การ gaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
ไม่มีmaiF meeMdon't have; doesn't have; that doesn't; there are no...; there is no .
หวย huayRa lottery; [especially] the daily lottery based on the Thai alphabet that was legal fifty years ago; sweepstakes
ให้ haiFto give; to let; to send to; to allow; to convey towards; to pay (attention); to have someone do something
เล่น  lenFto play; have fun; enjoy; amuse; jest; have fun on the Internet
หรือ reuuRor
ลด lohtHto decrease; reduce; lower; diminish; lessen
ช่องทางchaawngF thaangMway; path; opportunity
ใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
การเล่น gaanM lenF[the activity of] playing; game; match
หวย huayRa lottery; [especially] the daily lottery based on the Thai alphabet that was legal fifty years ago; sweepstakes
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
น่า naaF[a prefix to a verb or adjective indicating a likely or probable state, as in the English suffix] "-able"
จะ jaL[auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall
ทำให้thamM haiFto give or make; to cause something to be; to render someone or something to be; to effect
ชีวิต cheeM witHlife
ของเราkhaawngR raoMour; ours
ดีขึ้นdeeM kheunFto improve; to become better

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