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พูดจาให้จ๊ะ ๆ จ๋า ๆ น่าฟังเอยฯ

bpenM maH nootH sootL bpraL seertL leertF khoonM naH khaaF gwaaL banM daaM fuungR satL daehM ratH chaanR johngM faaL fanM phatH thaH naaM wiH chaaM gaanM yaaL laangH phlaanR reuuM khenL khaaF beeM thaaM khraiM maiF theuuR tho:htF gro:htL chaaengF satH heutH hatH daaL hatL aL phaiM meuuanR geeM laaM atL chaaM saiR bpaL dtiL batL bpraL phreutH gohtL gamM nohtL jaiM phuutF jaaM haiF jaH jaH jaaR jaaR naaF fangM eeuyM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเป็น-มะ-นุด-สุด-ปฺระ-เสิด-เลิด-คุน-นะ-ค่า-กฺว่า-บัน-ดา-ฝูง-สัด-เด-รัด-ฉาน-จง-ฝ่า-ฟัน-พัด-ทะ-นา-วิ-ชา-กาน-หฺย่า-ล้าง-ผฺลาน-รือ-เข่น-ค่า-บี-ทา-ไคฺร-ไม่-ถือ-โทด-โกฺรด-แช่ง-ซัด-ฮึด-ฮัด-ด่า-หัด-อะ-พัย-เหฺมือน-กี-ลา-อัด-ชา-สัย-ปะ-ติ-บัด-ปฺระ-พฺรึด-กด-กำ-หฺนด-ไจ-พูด-จา-ไฮ่-จ๊ะ-จ๊ะ-จ๋า-จ๋า-น่า-ฟัง-เอย
IPApen má nút sùt pràʔ sɤ̀ːt lɤ̂ːt kʰun ná kʰâː kwàː ban daː fǔːŋ sàt deː rát tɕʰǎːn tɕoŋ fàː fan pʰát tʰá naː wíʔ tɕʰaː kaːn jàː láːŋ pʰlǎːn rɯː kʰèn kʰâː biː tʰaː kʰraj mâj tʰɯ̌ː tʰôːt kròːt tɕʰɛ̂ːŋ sát hɯ́t hát dàː hàt ʔà pʰaj mɯ̌ːan kiː laː ʔàt tɕʰaː sǎj pà tìʔ bàt pràʔ pʰrɯ́t kòt kam nòt tɕaj pʰûːt tɕaː hâj tɕáʔ tɕáʔ tɕǎː tɕǎː nâː faŋ ʔɤːj
Royal Thai General Systempen manut sut prasoet loet khunna kha kwa banda fung sat deratchan chong fafan phatthana wicha kan ya lang phlan rue khen kha bitha khrai mai thue thot krot chaeng sat huethat da hat aphai muean kila atchasai patibat praphruet kot kamnot chai phut cha hai cha cha cha cha na fang oei

[a Thai pangram (a sentence using every letter of the alphabet)]

componentsเป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
มนุษย์ maH nootHhuman being; man; human; homo sapiens
สุด sootL[a word indicating the superlative degree; similar to the "-est" or "-most" suffixes in English]
ประเสริฐ bpraL seertL[is] excellent; glorious; sublime; superb; outstanding
เลิศ leertFexcellent; superior; best
คุณค่าkhoonM naH khaaFvalue; worth
กว่า gwaaL[suffix used for comparisons] than; more; -er
บรรดา banM daaMall; in general; those
ฝูงสัตว์fuungR satLa herd of animals
เดรัจฉาน daehM ratH chaanRbeast; brute; animal
จง johngM[auxiliary verb used to indicate a command or order] should; ought to
ฝ่าฟัน faaL fanMto struggle against difficulty and adversity
พัฒนา phatH thaH naaMto develop
วิชาการwiH chaaM gaanMacademia; technique; technology; technical; expertise
อย่า yaaLdon't...; do not...; don't be...; doesn't
ล้างผลาญlaangH phlaanRto devastate; destroy; ravage; squander
ฤๅ reuuM[a particle indicating negation] not; no (usually used in Thai poetry)
เข่นฆ่าkhenL khaaFto slaughter; to murder or kill
บีฑา beeM thaaMto suppress; oppress
ใคร khraiManyone; anybody; someone; somebody; whoever
ไม่ถือโทษโกรธmaiF theuuR tho:htF gro:htLto be forgiving; not hold a grudge against; not become angry
แช่ง chaaengFto curse; damn
ซัด satHto throw, hurl, or cast
ฮึดฮัด heutH hatH[is] resentful; disgruntled
ด่า daaLto curse; scold; damn; censure; revile; bawl somebody out, dress somebody down, give somebody dressing-down
หัด hatLto train; practice; drill or exercise; make proficient; learn to
อภัย aL phaiMa pardon; forgiveness
เหมือน meuuanR[is] similar; all the same; like; as
กีฬา geeM laaMsports; athletics; game; games
อัชฌาสัย atL chaaM saiRpoliteness; good behavior
ปฏิบัติ bpaL dtiL batLto execute; perform; do; act; behave, practice
ประพฤติ bpraL phreutHto behave; to conduct oneself; to act; to perform or do
กฎ gohtLrule; regulation
กำหนด gamM nohtLact; law; rule; degree
ใจ jaiMheart; spirit; spiritual center or core; soul; inner being; mind
พูด phuutFto speak; to talk; to say
จา jaaMto talk; to say; to speak; to utter; to tell; to address
ให้ haiFto give; to let; to send to; to allow; to convey towards; to pay (attention); to have someone do something
จ๊ะ ๆjaH jaHpolitely
จ๋า ๆjaaR jaaRwith servility
น่า naaF[a particle related to น่ะ  which adds a persuasive quality to the end of a sentence]
ฟัง fangMto listen; listen to
เอยฯeeuyM[at the end of a text] "The end."

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