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ถ้าบอกแล้วขอร้องแล้ว ยังไม่ยอมก็ต้องใช้กำลัง อย่างที่กลุ่มคนเสื้อแดงบุกไปที่โรงพยาบาลจุฬาฯ รัฐบาลส่งคนไปเจรจาอ้อนวอนอย่างไร ก็ยังยโสโอหังฮึกเหิม ไม่คิดถึงความทุกข์ยากคนอื่น
thaaF baawkL laaeoH khaawR raawngH laaeoH yangM maiF yaawmM gaawF dtawngF chaiH gamM langM yaangL theeF gloomL khohnM seuuaF daaengM bookL bpaiM theeF ro:hngM phaH yaaM baanM jooL laaM ratH thaL baanM sohngL khohnM bpaiM jaehnM raH jaaM aawnF waawnM yaangL raiM gaawF yangM yaH so:hR o:hM hangR heukH heermR maiF khitH theungR khwaamM thookH yaakF khohnM euunL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiท่า-บอก-แล้ว-ขอ-ร้อง-แล้ว-ยัง-ไม่-ยอม-ก้อ-ต็้อง-ไช้-กำ-ลัง-หฺย่าง-ที่-กฺลุ่ม-คน-เซื่อ-แดง-บุก-ไป-ที่-โรง-พะ-ยา-บาน-จุ-ลา-รัด-ถะ-บาน-ส่ง-คน-ไป-เจน-ระ-จา-อ้อน-วอน-หฺย่าง-ไร-ก้อ-ยัง-ยะ-โส-โอ-หัง-ฮึก-เหิม-ไม่-คิด-ถึง-คฺวาม-ทุก-ยาก-คน-อื่น
IPAtʰâː bɔ̀ːk lɛ́ːw kʰɔ̌ː rɔ́ːŋ lɛ́ːw jaŋ mâj jɔːm kɔ̂ː tɔ̂ŋ tɕʰáj kam laŋ jàːŋ tʰîː klùm kʰon sɯ̂ːa dɛːŋ bùk paj tʰîː roːŋ pʰá jaː baːn tɕùʔ laː rát tʰà baːn sòŋ kʰon paj tɕeːn rá tɕaː ʔɔ̂ːn wɔːn jàːŋ raj kɔ̂ː jaŋ já sǒː ʔoː hǎŋ hɯ́k hɤ̌ːm mâj kʰít tʰɯ̌ŋ kʰwaːm tʰúk jâːk kʰon ʔɯ̀ːn
Royal Thai General Systemtha bok laeo kho rong laeo yang mai yom ko tong chai kamlang yang thi klum khon suea daeng buk pai thi rong phayaban chula ratthaban song khon pai chenracha on won yang rai ko yang yaso ohang huek hoem mai khit thueng khwam thuk yak khon uen

 [example sentence]
"If once you tell them and plead with them, and they still do not agree, then force will be necessary. Like when the Red Shirts took over Chula hospital, no matter how much the government sent people over to negotiate and plead with them, they responded in a haughty and impulsive manner, without any consideration for the welfare of others."

componentsถ้า thaaF[indicating a condition] if
บอก baawkLto say; tell; inform; mention; state; relate; let (someone) know
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the end of a clause indicating current position, fulfilment of a condition, emphasis, or confirmation] already; any more
ขอร้องkhaawR raawngHto implore — "Please stop!" — "Please don't!"
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the end of a clause indicating current position, fulfilment of a condition, emphasis, or confirmation] already; any more
ยัง yangMyet; since; not yet; still
ไม่ maiFnot; no
ยอม yaawmMto allow, yield, let, accept, agree to; is willing to
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
ต้อง dtawngF[auxiliary verb] has to...; must...; is required to...; is duty-bound to...
ใช้ chaiHto use, employ, exploit an object; utilize; resort to; implement
กำลัง gamM langMenergy; strength; force; power; vigor; ability
อย่าง yaangL[a prefix acting like the English suffix] -ly [creating an adverb from an adjective] way; in the (following) particular way
ที่ theeFduring; at the time of
กลุ่มคนเสื้อแดงgloomL khohnM seuuaF daaengMRed Shirts
บุก bookLto penetrate; invade; overrun; advance by force
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
ที่โรงพยาบาลtheeF ro:hngM phaH yaaM baanMat the hospital
จุฬาฯjooL laaM[abbreviation for] Chulalongkorn
รัฐบาล ratH thaL baanMgovernment
ส่ง sohngLto ship; send or deliver (mail or parcel or package); emit
คน khohnMperson; guy; people; man; human being
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
เจรจา jaehnM raH jaaMto negotiate
อ้อนวอนaawnF waawnMto plead; to appeal; to whine; to wheedle; to try to obtain; to implore; to pray; to implore; to beg
อย่างไรyaangL raiMlike what; anyhow; how
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
ยัง yangMyet; since; not yet; still
ยโสโอหังyaH so:hR o:hM hangRto put on airs; be arrogant; overbearing; self-important; arrogant; pompous
ฮึกเหิมheukH heermR[negative connotation] [is] impetuous; rash; hasty; impulsive; unthinking
ไม่ maiFnot; no
คิดถึงkhitH theungR[of a person] to think about; to have longing for; to miss
ความทุกข์ยากkhwaamM thookH yaakFpoverty; destitution; difficulty; hardship; misery
คนอื่นkhohnM euunLanother person; other person

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