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heukH heermR
Royal Institute - 1982
ฮึกเหิม  /ฮึก-เหิม/
[วิเศษณ์] กำเริบโดยทะนงใจ, เหิมฮึก ก็ว่า.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiฮึก-เหิม
IPAhɯ́k hɤ̌ːm
Royal Thai General Systemhuek hoem

1.   [adjective, phrase]
[positive connotation] [is] spirited; lively; active; animated; energetic; mettlesome; vivacious

componentsฮึก heukH[usually followed by เหิม  (bold, insolent)] impetuous; bold; daring; spirited; elated; passionate; violent; exultant; boisterous
เหิม heermR[negative connotation] [is] bold; insolent; elated; inflated
synonymลำพองlamM phaawngMimpetuously; wildly; spiritedly; over-confidently
เพลงปลุกใจทั้งหลายล้วนเต็มไปด้วยถ้อยคำที่มีพลัง ฟังแล้วฮึกเหิม ฟังแล้วน้ำตาไหล ฟังแล้วอยากร้องไห้ ฟังแล้วคิดถึงบ้าน
phlaehngM bplookL jaiM thangH laaiR luaanH dtemM bpaiM duayF thaawyF khamM theeF meeM phaH langM fangM laaeoH heukH heermR fangM laaeoH namH dtaaM laiR fangM laaeoH yaakL raawngH haiF fangM laaeoH khitH theungR baanF
"Emotionally stirring music is replete with forceful lyrics; one hears them and feels animated; one listens and weeps; one senses them and wants to shout out loud; one hears them and thinks of home."
dtaaM phuaanM bpraaiM dtaaM maawngM chaaoM baanF laaiR raawyH khohnM theeF gamM langM nangF baangF yeuunM baangF yuuL naaF laaeoH thamM haiF gaaeM ruuH seukL heukH heermR kheunF johnM khohnR lookH chanM
"Phruan looked around at the hundreds of villagers who were sitting and standing around in front of him and it made him feel so energized that his hairs stood on end."
2.   [adjective, phrase]
[negative connotation] [is] impetuous; rash; hasty; impulsive; unthinking

componentsฮึก heukH[usually followed by เหิม  (bold, insolent)] impetuous; bold; daring; spirited; elated; passionate; violent; exultant; boisterous
เหิม heermR[negative connotation] [is] bold; insolent; elated; inflated
synonymsคะนอง khaH naawngMimpetuously
ฮึกห้าวheukH haaoFbellicose; belligerent; combative
หรือว่าพ่อถูกกรอกหูด้วยถ้อยคำกินใจจากผู้ปราศรัย เลยทำให้ฮึกเหิมเคลิ้มคล้อยไปกับสถานการณ์ผสมผสานกับข่าวหนังสือพิมพ์ที่ชอบสร้างกระแสให้ครึกโครมใหญ่โต
reuuR waaF phaawF thuukL graawkL huuR duayF thaawyF khamM ginM jaiM jaakL phuuF bpraaM saiR leeuyM thamM haiF heukH heermR khleermH khlaawyH bpaiM gapL saL thaanR naH gaanM phaL sohmR phaL saanR gapL khaaoL nangR seuuR phimM theeF chaawpF saangF graL saaeR haiF khreukH khro:hmM yaiL dto:hM
"Or, is it that my father has had his ears filled with the speakers’ deeply moving words that caused him to so get so recklessly carried away by these events, along with all the news from the newspapers which are prone to exaggeration and sensationalization."
ถ้าบอกแล้วขอร้องแล้ว ยังไม่ยอมก็ต้องใช้กำลัง อย่างที่กลุ่มคนเสื้อแดงบุกไปที่โรงพยาบาลจุฬาฯ รัฐบาลส่งคนไปเจรจาอ้อนวอนอย่างไร ก็ยังยโสโอหังฮึกเหิม ไม่คิดถึงความทุกข์ยากคนอื่น
thaaF baawkL laaeoH khaawR raawngH laaeoH yangM maiF yaawmM gaawF dtawngF chaiH gamM langM yaangL theeF gloomL khohnM seuuaF daaengM bookL bpaiM theeF ro:hngM phaH yaaM baanM jooL laaM ratH thaL baanM sohngL khohnM bpaiM jaehnM raH jaaM aawnF waawnM yaangL raiM gaawF yangM yaH so:hR o:hM hangR heukH heermR maiF khitH theungR khwaamM thookH yaakF khohnM euunL
"If once you tell them and plead with them, and they still do not agree, then force will be necessary. Like when the Red Shirts took over Chula hospital, no matter how much the government sent people over to negotiate and plead with them, they responded in a haughty and impulsive manner, without any consideration for the welfare of others."

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