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ภาวนา  phaaM waH naaM 
contents of this page
1.Bhavana; prosperity; production; meditation meditate; be devoted to pray; pray for; hope for

Royal Institute - 1982
ภาวนา  /พา-วะ-นา/
[นาม] การทำให้มีขึ้นให้เป็นขึ้นทางจิตใจ.
[นาม] สำรวมใจตั้งความปรารถนา.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiพา-วะ-นา
IPApʰaː wá naː
Royal Thai General Systemphawana

1.   [noun, formal, loanword, Pali]
Bhavana; prosperity; production; meditation

related wordsสวดมนต์suaatL mohnMto pray
อธิษฐาน aL thitH thaanRto pray; make a wish; make a formal offering; petition
2.   [verb, intransitive, loanword, Pali]
to meditate; be devoted to pray; pray for; hope for

related wordสวดภาวนาsuaatL phaaM waH naaMto pray
examplesสวดภาวนาsuaatL phaaM waH naaMto pray
เจริญภาวนาjaL reernM phaaM waH naaMto practice dharma
นั่งภาวนาnangF phaaM waH naaMto sit in meditation
laaiR bpraL thaehtF dtaangL phaaM waH naaM haiF phuuF namM khohnM dtaawL bpaiM khaawngR gaoM leeR neuuaR lohtH khwaamM graaoF laeH hanR bpaiM saL napL saL noonR naaeoM thaangM jaehnM raH jaaM maakF gwaaL gaanM chaiH gamM langM meuuanR theeF laaeoH maaM
"Many nations pray that the next leader of North Korea will soften its intransience and will support negotiations over the use of force as they have previously done."
khaL naL diaaoM ganM khaoR gaawF phaaM waH naaM waaF khaawR haiF ngaanM ginM pheuunH theeF bpaiM gwaaL khreungF siiaR gaawnL theeF khwaaiM jaL gamM langM dtohkL
"At the same time he prayed that more than half of his fields could be [plowed] before his buffalo was ready to collapse."
khaoR nangF phaaM waH naaM khaawR haiF phraH chuayF
"He sat and prayed for god to help him."

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